
Modern currency is used as a proxy for what we value. When we pay for ideas, goods and services, we are effectively assigning merit to the provider for their contribution. This exchange of currency-for-merit is the basis of free market capitalism. Our current model, however, is flawed: while the generator of merit dies, the assignment of value (their accumulated wealth) does not. Thus, the ‘reward’ we assign to one person is passed onto others who have not earned it. Multiplied over generations, this practice skews the economy away from a genuine meritocracy.

It’s time to level the playing field for all people. It’s time to allow humanity’s best ideas to rise to the top, regardless of one’s initial wealth (or lack thereof). In these disruptive times, we cannot afford to limit our ingenuity to those whose economic privilege gives them a voice. Merit Coin aims to foster a true, global meritocracy. With your help, we can make this a reality.